Feeling stuck in a dead-end job with no real prospects for a successful career.

You know you have the talent and passion for hair styling, but without the proper education and licensing, your dream of becoming a master barber or stylist may never become a reality.

Join 1,000+ Barber Students Who Have Used Our Trainings & Programs To Become a Barber or Barber Instructor By Gaining Professional Education and Experience.

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Our Team

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke

Financial Aid Administrator

Do You Want Professional Guidance Applying for Financial Aid ?

The hard truth is…

Student debt and lack of resources can prevent you from achieving your dream of becoming a licensed barber, stylist, or instructor.

The thought of missing out on valuable education and hands-on training can be daunting and discouraging.

Don’t let your passion be held back by financial constraints.

Our friendly staff will guide you through the process so you can focus on honing your skills and achieving your goals.

Master the Craft of Barbering and Build a Rewarding Career with Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way.

If you are looking for…

A Rewarding Career. You envision a career where your passion for creativity and style can flourish, bringing satisfaction and fulfillment to your work every day.

A Stable Source of Income. You’re seeking a profession that offers financial stability and the potential for growth, providing you with a reliable source of income to support yourself and your loved ones.

A Professional Skill Development. You’re eager to learn and master the essential skills of barbering, including haircutting, shaving, grooming, and customer service, to become a highly skilled and sought-after professional in the industry.

Industry Recognition. You aspire to earn respect and recognition within the barbering community, establishing yourself as a talented and reputable barber known for your precision, creativity, and dedication to your craft.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities. You have dreams of owning your own barbershop or salon one day, and you recognize that a solid education in barbering will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to succeed as an entrepreneur in the industry.

Personal Growth. Beyond technical skills, you’re eager to grow personally and professionally, developing confidence, communication abilities, and a strong work ethic that will propel you forward in your career and in life.

If even ONE of the above fits you, you need to click the button below!

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Financial Aid & VA benefits available for those who qualify.

About Networks Barber College

Networks Barber College offers individuals the opportunity to become licensed professional barbers and licensed barber instructors by providing quality training and education.

Networks Barber College maintains a commitment to excellence and its programs are accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS) and licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR).

We challenge you to take advantage of all of the valuable programs available to you and we wish you success as your work toward your career.

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